上一个:双海绵辊着色机 下一个:补土+单辊涂布机

机型适用   Application


This machine is suitable for the surface putty filling of various flat plates such as furniture, wooden door, floor, wooden plate, MDF plate, inorganic material plate, etc. with very thick or uneven tubular fibers.

工作原理   Working principle


Uniform wheels are used to evenly distribute the putty on the coating wheel, and the putty roller is evenly coated on the surface of the product by the coating wheel. The makeshift wheel scrapes away excess putty and recycles it.

机型     SR-R2BP-620 SR-R2BP-920 SR-R2BP-1320 Model
有效加工宽度 (mm) 620 920 1320 Working width (mm)
有效加工厚度 (mm) 2-80 2-80 2-80 Working thickness (mm)
最小加工长度 (mm) 300 300 300 Working length (mm)
输送速度 (m/min) 0-20 0-20 0-20 Feeding speed (m/min)
输送功率 (kw) 0.75 0.75 1.5 Feeding Power (kw)
涂布轮功率 (kw) 0.75 0.75 1.5 Coater roller Power (kw)
均布轮功率 (kw) 0.55 0.75 0.75 Uniform roller Power (kw)
加温功率 (kw) 3 3 3 Heation Power (kw)
外型尺寸 (LxWxH) 2200x1850x1700 2200x2150x1700 2200x2450x1700 Dimensions (LxWxH)
采用电源 (V/Hz) 380/50 380/50 380/50 Voltage (V/Hz)
油漆种类 UV/水性 UV/水性 UV/水性 Paint Type
广东森人机械有限公司 版权所有