上一个:UV面漆线 下一个:红外线流平机

机型适用 Application


This machine is suitable for volatilizing and leveling of diluents and bubbles in the surface coating after roll coating, spray coating and shower coating, and then drying.

工作原理 Working principle


After the product is applied by roller coating, spray coating and shower coating, it flows through a constant temperature tunnel with adjustable temperature. When the product enters the front stage, the diluent and bubbles in the surface coating will volatilize and level, and enter the rear end at a higher temperature (or UV curing). Machine), the product is dried.

机型特性 Characteristics



The temperature of the tunnel can be set and adjusted according to the product requirements to adapt to the temperature conditions of various coatings.

The conveying speed can be adjusted by frequency to adapt to the leveling time process conditions of various coatings.

广东森人机械有限公司 版权所有